module 6: Lesson 6-4: Exponential Growth and Decay

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Newton's Second Law of Motion: Force = Mass x Acceleration carved on a green apple; Shutterstock.comHomework Examples

Here are some more examples from the homework pages in your book.  You should go over these before starting your homework.

The links below will open in a new window browser as pdf documents.

  1. 6-4 Homework Examples 5, 7, 9
  2. 6-4 Homework Examples 11, 13
  3. 6-4 Homework Examples 17, 21, 27
  4. 6-4 Homework Examples 31
  5. 6-4 Homework Examples 35, A

Please click the menu item in the navigation menu at the top titled Assignments to see the assignments you must complete for Module 6: 6-4: Exponential Growth and Decay.

Photo Attribution
Description: Newton's Second Law of Motion: Force = Mass x Acceleration carved on a green apple