module 5: Lesson 5-2: Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals

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To save the documents to your local computer, please right click on each link below, select the option that reads, "Save Target As..." and then save it onto your local computer. You may need to refer to these documents at a later time. The documents below are saved in a pdf format and will open in a new window browser.

  1. 5-2.1 - Riemann Sums - The Basics
  2. 5-2.2 - Riemann Sums - The Notation
  3. 5-2.3 - Riemann Sums - Errors to Avoid
  4. 5-2.4 - Evaluating an Integral with the Calculator

Now, close this window and go back to the Classroom area of Schoology. Open the folder called, Module 5: 5-3a: Definite Integrals and Antiderivatives and begin the next section of Module 5.