Sections: Introduction | Section 1 | Section 2 |
Government : Introduction to Government Unit 1 : Introduction
What is government and why should we study it? A government is the body that creates and enforces laws, seeks to maintain order within society, and provides public services to citizens. These services can include things like police protection, education, and roads and bridges. Civilizations need government to protect the citizens and keep a sense of general order. Without government, there would be chaos. Those who believe in anarchy, the absence of government, argue that people should be free to do as they please without control. Although freedom is a central theme in American government, there are also many limitations on freedoms that are put into place to protect citizens from harm. One of the difficult tasks that a democratic government must take up is finding a balance between freedom and security. Throughout this course, we will examine the things that the American government does to keep its citizens safe and to ensure their freedoms. We’ll explore the origins of American government and the Constitution, the role played by each of the three branches of government, how citizens can actively participate in government, and we’ll also take a look at the American economy and see how it affects politics and the working of our government. The first page of the US Constitution In this, our first unit, we will learn about some important terms that are necessary to fully understand American government, and how it differs from other forms of government, and we’ll also learn about democratic theory and what makes a democracy what it is. For more information about what we’ll be covering as the course goes on, click on the Course Information link to the left to view the course syllabus. At the beginning of each unit you will find a list of learning objectives. These objectives tell you what you will be expected to learn in that unit of the course. The readings and activities in the sections of that unit will help you develop your understanding of the content of those objectives. Remember to feel free to explore the web or your local/school library for further information on any subject, or to contact your instructor if you have any questions. Learning Objectives:
In order to fully understand the material you will learn in this course, it is important to have a good understanding of the terminology used when discussing government. Below is a list of the key terms for this unit:
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