DoDEA's 21st Century Strands and Strategies eBook - page 11

21st Century Strands & Strategies
Chapter: Strands & Strategies: At-A-Glance
Military Connected Child
The Military Children are
those whose parents serve
the nation. In turn, the
military connected children
face many challenges and
special circumstances that
are different from those
experienced by civilian
children and their families.
These challenges and
circumstances include gaps
in school attendance and learning due to frequent moves, families being separated
due to parental deployment, and a sense of isolation when they transfer to schools in
the midst of a civilian community.
The Child: The Military Children are those whose parents serve the nation. In turn,
the military connected children face many challenges and special
circumstances that are different from those experienced by civilian children and
their families. These challenges
and circumstances include
gaps in school attendance
and learning due to frequent
moves, families being
separated due to parental
deployment, and a sense of
isolation when they transfer to
schools in the midst of a civilian
The Family: Military family is an
all-inclusive term representing
the parents and guardians of school-age children of military members.
The Community: The greater military community recognizes its role as a support
to the families of those who serve and provides many resources to that end.
Local installations offer a variety of resources to which our military families and
their students are able to access.
Shared Leadership
The Leadership Strand focuses on school leadership, transformational leadership
through shared leadership model. Leaders who build their school culture around shared
leadership develop strong ownership of the work, collaboration, strong relationships,
and ownership of the results of the work. The Leadership Strand supports the various
roles of the 21st century roles of leaders in the school; principals, teachers, and students.
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