Sometimes you have text that you want to make stand out – text that you want to add emphasis to so that your visitors understand that the text is important. HTML includes tags specifically used for bolding and emphasizing text.
Make it Bold!
To make text bold you use the following tags:
Placing text inside the <strong></strong> tags will make the text bold. In addition, the <strong></strong> tags inform visitors, using assistive technology, that the text has extra, emphasized meaning.
Now with Feeling!
To make text italicized use the following tags:
Placing text inside the <em></em> tags will make the text italicized. Like the <strong></strong> tags, the <em></em> tags inform visitors, using assistive technology, that the text has extra, emphasized meaning.
Let’s See it in Action: Emphasis Tags
Watch the video below to see how to use the <strong></strong> and <em></em> tags to create bold and italicized text.