Psychology : Semester I : Biological Basis of Behavior


Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6



Psychology : Biological Basis of Behavior : Introduction


It weighs a little over three pounds but it allows us to remember our past, experience our present and look into and plan our futures.  This amazing structure takes in all the information from our many senses and within milliseconds, it organizes, analyzes and interprets the information into meaningful experiences.  It works 24/7 and takes care of all the vital functions that we need to live.  It directs our sleep and helps us awake. It helps make us happy and sad and understand the differences.  Can you guess what it is?

Of course you can…it is the solution


Upon completing this unit, students will

  • identify the parts of the brain
  • understand and identify the parts of a neuron
  • understand how our senses collect and interpret information
  • understand transduction
  • understand how we perceive

Now go to the Assignment Folder in Schoology to complete the required assignments for this section.

Let's get started!

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