Avatar: After the Applause
A good performance will make you think about what it all meant. It helps to be able to organize those thoughts to get the most out of the theatrical experience. Consider these questions that will help you organize your reactions and find all the facets of meaning (this will also help you review for the section quiz).
- What are the subjects of the play? What topics did the characters talk about?
- What ideals or concepts do the characters represent or symbolize?
- What is the concrete conflict (problem) that the characters must resolve? What more abstract conflict is behind that? What internal conflicts do the characters struggle with?
- What is the outcome of the conflict? Is it tragic or triumphant?
- What lesson or observation is the author making about humanity or life? About the subjects and abstract concepts, considering the outcome?
Listen to the post-production conversation Anna, Laura and Ryan have about the themes of The Crucible. Think about whether or not you agree and why. Can you think of a theme that they missed?
Select the play button to begin the avatar video, and then use the navigation buttons to pause/stop, continue, or reset the avatar. View the presentation as often as you would like, and take notes as you follow along. Be sure to set your volume at a reasonable level before you begin.