Linear and Quadratic Functions: Writing and Graphing Linear Functions

Using Technology to Graph Linear Functions

You can also use Graphing Calculators or Internet utilities such as GCalc to graph linear functions.

Visit the Pearson Higher Education website to see tutorials on how to graph and use your TI-83/84 Graphing Calculator.

You may also use the GCalc graphing utility. Click on the GCalc image below. When the GCalc application opens, double click on the "Graph Plugin" to graph a linear equation. Double click on the "Inequalities Plugin" to graph an inequality. To adjust the window properties, go to the "Edit" menu and then "Properties". Click on the "View" tab and adjust the maximum and minimum x- and y-values.

GCalc screen shot

Make sure to become familiar with either or both options as you will be using them in the Writing Assignment: Graphing Linear Functions assignment for this section.

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Complete the review worksheet for this section before taking the quiz. Download the review worksheet, complete the questions, and then download the answer key to check your work. Make sure to ask your teacher any questions.

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