Carnival Game: The Madisonian Model
Are you sure you know what the Madisonian Model is? Try this Carnival Game to check your understanding. Play more than once since you’ll receive new questions each time.
Assignment: Free Response Questions 15 points
Answer the following question in the free response format. It will be graded according to the expectations of the AP US Government exam.
The Madisonian Model was designed to control the power of government through separation of power and checks and balances. It was based on a variety of influences from the study of history, philosophy, and government.
- Define separation of powers and checks and balances.
- Explain how separation of powers and checks and balances reflect the founders' views of human nature and power in government.
- Discuss two other influences on the development of the U.S. Constitution.
- Explain how two of the items you identified influenced the specific content of the Constitution.
Submit your completed writing assignment to the Assignment: Free Response Questions in the M1 Tasks Folder.